May he live long and happily - translation to ολλανδικά
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May he live long and happily - translation to ολλανδικά

Long Live the Queen (disambiguation); Long Live The Queen

May he live long and happily      
Mag hij een lang en gelukkig leven hebben
May Day         
  • 1876 May Day celebration at Central City Park, Macon, Georgia
  • John Collier]]<br />
<br />
For thus it chanced one morn when all the court,<br />
Green-suited, but with plumes that mocked the may,<br />
Had been, there won't, a-maying and returned,<br />
That Modred still in the green, all ear and eye,<br />
Climbed to the high top of the garden-wall<br />
To spy some secret scandal if he might,}}<ref>''[[Idylls of the King]] : Guinevere'', [[Alfred, Lord Tennyson]], 1859</ref>
  • Lily of the valley
  • Longview Park]] in [[Rock Island, Illinois]], c. 1907 – 1914
  • ''Maibaum'' in [[Bad Tölz]], Germany
  • May Day festivities at [[National Park Seminary]] in [[Maryland]], 1907
  • ''Floralia'' by [[Antonio María Reyna Manescau]] (1888).
  • Maypole dancing in the Netherlands, by [[Pieter Brueghel the Younger]] (16th century).
  • May Day festivities in [[Tampere Central Square]], Finland.
  • ''Maibaum'' in [[Munich]], Germany
May day; 2002 Mayday; National Day of Labour; 1999 Mayday; Första maj; May day parade; Forsta maj; Foersta maj; May Day parade; May games; May Games; May Day parades; May festival; May-day festival; Early May bank holiday
1 Mei,feestdag van de arbeiders,werkdag;ook een oproep om hulp
long live         
lang leve


¦ pronoun [third person singular]
1. used to refer to a man, boy, or male animal previously mentioned or easily identified.
2. used to refer to a person or animal of unspecified sex (in modern use, now largely replaced by 'he or she' or 'they').
3. any person (in modern use, now largely replaced by 'anyone' or 'the person').
¦ noun a male; a man.
OE he, he, of Gmc origin.
Until quite recently he was used to refer to a person of unspecified sex, as in every child needs to know that he is loved. However, this use is now regarded as old-fashioned or sexist. One alternative, which is gaining acceptance in both speech and writing, is to use they instead of he (everyone needs to feel that they matter), especially where it occurs after an indefinite pronoun such as everyone or someone. Another alternative is he or she, though this can become long-winded when used frequently.


Long Live the Queen

Long Live the Queen may refer to:

  • "The king is dead, long live the king!", proclamation made following the accession of a new monarch
  • Long Live the Queen (film), a 1995 Dutch film
  • "Long Live The Queen" (song), a song by UK singer-songwriter Frank Turner
  • "Long Live the Queen" (Charmed), an episode of the television series Charmed
  • Long Live the Queen (video game), a 2012 PC video game by Hanako Games
  • "Long Live the Queen", an episode from The Legend of Korra TV series